Transformation Tuesday!

I love shopping at second hand stores and yard sales. You can find the coolest things. This dresser I spotted at a yard sale one Saturday and the sign said $15!! Score! I was on the hunt for a dresser for my boys room since their dresser was falling apart. So I jumped (literally) out of my car and instantly wanted it. Here were some pieces of wood broke off. 

I didn’t take a picture of the side with the damage, but it only needed a little wood filer and some sanding. My son instantly announced he wanted it red! So I thought, why not?

This red was an instant success! I almost wanted it in my room! But the best part is that two young boys now have a rather large tallboy dresser with plenty of space in each drawer to store his clothes. I love the end result! 

Don’t mind the mess all around. I tried to take a picture a couple of times in their room but the mess in this picture is much better because you can see the whole dresser. 😂

I can’t wait to show you what else I’ve painted this color! And wait til you see what the dark wax does to it. I can’t wait to show you!

Now, go paint something!


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